Driving Directions
From Atlanta, GA:
Take I-85 North. Once you cross the South Carolina state line take the first exit (Exit #1—HWY 11) towards Westminster. Once you pass under HWY 24 we are approximately 3.2 miles straight ahead on the right hand side of the road.
From Greenville, SC:
Take I-85 South to (Exit #11—HWY 24) towards Westminster. Approximately 15 miles on HWY 24 you will come to the Intersection with HWY 11. Turn left onto HWY 11 in approximately 3.2 miles we will be located on the right hand side of the road.

To get detailed driving directions to US Engine Valve, Click Here
To contact us:
US Engine Valve
7039 South Highway 11
Westminster, SC 29693
(864) 647-2061